Combine Boolen UNITE
Boolean is a facility of the UG used to combine the volume of two or more entities in one body.
we have the option to save and store the modified copy of the target and tool bodies.
This option creates UNITE features.
we can put together a solid with solids. we can not unify the solid body and the body sheet,
or sheet bodies and body pieces.
To unify the body sheet, we recommend you use the option Sew.
we can also use a solid body Sew to unify if they have faces coincide.
Sewing gives better performance than Unite.
Steps we need to do to use the Unite, is:
Select a target body.
Selected Targets Body (Red)
Select one or more tool bodies.
Selected Tool Board (Red)
If we want to save a modified copy of the original target body, turn on Maintain Target.
If we want to save a modified copy of the original body of the tool, turn on Maintain Equipment.
Select OK. Target body altered by the creation of four features UNITE,
and new solid body that created that contains the combined volume of all the elected body.
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we have the option to save and store the modified copy of the target and tool bodies.
This option creates UNITE features.
we can put together a solid with solids. we can not unify the solid body and the body sheet,
or sheet bodies and body pieces.
To unify the body sheet, we recommend you use the option Sew.
we can also use a solid body Sew to unify if they have faces coincide.
Sewing gives better performance than Unite.
Steps we need to do to use the Unite, is:
Select a target body.
Selected Targets Body (Red)
Select one or more tool bodies.
Selected Tool Board (Red)
If we want to save a modified copy of the original target body, turn on Maintain Target.
If we want to save a modified copy of the original body of the tool, turn on Maintain Equipment.
Select OK. Target body altered by the creation of four features UNITE,
and new solid body that created that contains the combined volume of all the elected body.
for STEP BY STEP GUIDE unigraphics simple tutorial please visit.........
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