Positioning Methods
Specifies the horizontal distance between two points, one on the target solid
and the other on the tool solid. Horizontal is measured along the X-axis of the
feature coordinate system (the Horizontal Reference). As edges are selected,
the nearest valid point is selected (midpoints are not selectable).
1 — Horizontal Reference
2 — Target Edge (End Point)
3 — Tool Edge (Tangent Point)
Specifies the vertical distance between two points, one on the target solid and
the other on the tool solid. Vertical is measured along the Y-axis of the feature
coordinate system (perpendicular to the Horizontal Reference). As edges are
selected, the nearest valid point is selected (midpoints are not selectable).
1 — Horizontal Reference
2 — Target Edge (End Point)
3 — Tool Edge (Arc Center)
Practical Applications of NX
Student Guide
January 2006
Publication Number
mt10050_g NX 4